15 September 2017

Toronto, September 14 - On September 14-15, Alexander Konkov, head of the international dispute resolution practice of Khrenov & Partners visited the annual meeting of Interlex member companies in Toronto.

Interlex is a worldwide association of leading law firms that cooperate to provide a complete range of international legal and business services to clients. Interlex was founded in 1973 and currently consists of 47 firms in 61 countries.

Khrenov & Partners successfully passed all stages of strict selection among Russian law firms for inclusion in Interlex: analysis of expertise, preliminary interviews, etc. Based on the results of the selection, Khrenov & Partners was included in the list of members of the association in August 2017.

07 July 2017

CIS Arbitration Forum - On 1 September 2016 important amendments relating to recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Russia came into force. The most significant novelty consists in the introduction of Article 245.1 of the Arbitrazh [Commercial] Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as “the APC”) establishing new rules for recognition of those foreign judgements on economic disputes, which do not require enforcement due to their nature.

K&Ps lawyers Alexander Kosin and Victoria Kholodova prepared an analysis of the amendments: "Certain issues relating to recognition of foreign judgments on economic disputes, which do not require enforcement under Arbitrazh [Commercial] Procedure Code of Russian Federation".


07 July 2017
Vedomosti - A secretary at the company "Border Security"  worked without a vacation for more than five years. This is stated in her claim to the employer. After the dismissal, she demanded the employer to recover compensation for unused vacation – 221 761 RUB plus penalties for violation of payment terms.The court satisfied the claim partially, arguing that the employee initiated the proceedings belatedly.
Head of employment law practice at Khrenov and Partners Tatyana Nikolaenko has analyzed legislative aspect relating to unused vacation.
06 July 2017 - As a part of a ringing process initiated by Rosneft due to the restructuring of Bashneft, AFK Sistema, despite the recent events that clearly went not good for the company, continues to adhere to the most open policy: at this time the company has offered those who are interested in the dispute, to become familiar with its response to the petition. A 62-pages document gives a detailed explanation  the court should support AFK Sistema, referring to the position of the higher courts on a number of controversial issues.

Mikhail Budashevsky, K&Ps associate, has revised and commented on a document.

06 July 2017 - It happens that the owners of one apartment are extraneous to each other – a small part of the room can go to a stranger for a gift or a bequest. Typically, the owner of the smaller part of the apartment has no objections to sell it, especially if he does not live in it – but at an inflated price. But is there any chance to oblige recalcitrant co-owner to sell their share at a market price? This possibility does exist, and it is once again confirmed by the Supreme court.
Oxana Stupina, associate at Khrenov & Partners commented on the issue.

06 July 2017
Vedomosti - Companies more frequently dismiss employees because of posting messages in social networks. Not everyone can draw the line between private and public.
Tatyana Nikolaenko, head of employment law practice, commented on the situation.
27 September 2017 - A married couple took an apartment on a mortgage, and tax deductions were divided in half. Then the situation changed – after the divorce an apartment and a mortgage went to a wife. When she demanded a tax deduction in full, the Federal Tax Service and the courts refused. Defending her interests, the lady reached the Supreme Court.

Stanislav Vivchar from Krasnodar office of Khrenov and Partners commented on the situation.

27 February 2017
Vedomosti - The news that there is the intention to make general directors hired by companies to be no longer subject to the Labour Code’s provisions, appeared back in April 2016. The problem consists of a general director’s dual status. He or she is at the same time the company's sole executive body as well as a hired employee enjoying both supervisory authority and the rights of an ordinary employee.
Tatiana Nikolaenko, head of Khrenov & Partners’ employment law practice gives her comments to the intricacies inherent in regulating the relationship between the employer and the supervisor.  

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