10 April 2019
The Legal 500 - On 10th of April The Legal 500 has released its annual EMEA edition. We have strengthened our positions in the key areas.
11 March 2019
On the 7th March Chambers and Partners have released their annual Chambers Europe 2019 legal ranking.
Our firm traditionally gained high spots in the reaserch.

06 December 2018
On December 5 at the Ritz Carlton Moscow held a solemn ceremony devoted to the announcement of ranking "" results. 

"" is the first national ranking of law firms, to the results of which orient large and medium-sized businesses, the judiciary, government and law enforcement agencies. This year the ranking was conducted for the eighth time, it is the largest research of the legal market in Russia, reflecting the latest development trends in law firms and the market as a whole.
23 October 2018
18-19 October, Seoul - Andrey Ivanov, Head of Commercial Practice at Khrenov & Partners, took part in The Interlex Group Annual Meeting in Seoul, Korea, October 18-19. Since August 2017, Khrenov and Partners has been a member of this prestigious association that brings together leading law firms from 60 countries to provide clients with a full range of legal and business services worldwide.
27 June 2018
The latest edition of Best Lawyers in Russia has just been released. According to, only 2% of top lawyers in Russian receive recognition of the guide.
Our partners and project leaders have reach the top of ranking again.
02 April 2018
On March 26 Kommersant has released its annual ranking of leading Russian law firms and individuals.
Khrenov & Partners traditionally occupied the highest positions.
07 February 2018
Financier Worlswide - Alexander Kostin, an associate at Khrenov & Partners has prepared an article on “Arbitration of domestic disputes in Russia (Review of the key amendments introduced by the Federal Law N 382-FZ)".

The Article focuses on the key amendments introduced by the Federal Law N 382-FZ “On arbitration in Russian Federation”. In particular, it covers: (1) difference in operation of arbitration institutions and ad hoc arbitrations in Russia; (2) state court assistance with regard to arbitration; (3) interrelation between arbitration and mediation procedures.

22 January 2018 - Starting from June 1, 2018, the portion of the loan contract will be consensual – in other words, it will be effective from the date of the agreement, not form transfer of money. This should give the borrower a new opportunity to protect their rights. A number of other changes makes the legislation more permissive and protects the weak side - the citizen. Dmitry Shniger, an associate at Khrenov & Partners, gave some practical advice on how to execute a loan agreement properly.
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