16 December 2019
Kommersant FM – Administrative proceedings are to become adversarial. According to Vedomosti, the presence of prosecutors and public defenders will be mandatory at court hearings. The Ministry of Justice plans to include these stipulations in the Code of Administrative Offences believing this will guarantee impartiality of the courts at administrative hearings. Earlier, the European Court of Human Rights highlighted the problem to the Russian authorities. How will this novelty impact the justice? Roman Belanov of Khrenov&Partners gives his opinion on the issue.
10 December 2019 - Is it long enough for an administrator to keep the documents of a bankrupt company for seven years? The creditor argues this period is not sufficient, because the controlling persons may be brought to justice within 10 years. He lodged a complaint against the administrator who had destroyed the documents too early. Three judicial bodies, however, decided that seven years are enough to review the documents and to use them. Then the case was presented to the Supreme Court. It ruled out that the approach is perfunctory and provided explanations. Olga Goncharova, a partner of Khrenov&Partners, comments on the case.  

06 December 2019

The official ceremony for release of annual rating of law firms took place at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Moscow on December 5, 2019. This year, the Rating was published for the 10th time, with the highest ever number of 322 participating firms assessed in 29 branches of law. Overall price of projects included in 2019 Rating reached 144 billion rubles. According to the results, in 2019 Khrenov&Partners retained its reputation as one of the leading law firms in Russia.

05 December 2019 - Competitors for procurement contracts for the Saint Petersburg Metro proved to be too close to each other. Over the recent years, a small group of legally linked companies has won over 20 contracts worth over 480 million rubles at tenders initiated by the state municipal company Sankt-Peterburgsky Metropoliten. Pyotr Mashoshin, a representative of Khrenov&Partners, commented on this sitiation.
21 November 2019
On November 20, 2019 the Judicial Panel for Civil Affairs of the Supreme Court of Russia granted an appeal filed by Khrenov & Partners and invalidated the Rules for Land Use and Development of Moscow in part allowing new burials at the land plot occupied by a cemetery in the village of Puchkovo.
21 November 2019
Kommersant - St. Petersburg's Kuibyshev District Court examines a statement of claim by a former employee of Lenmetrogiprotrans LLC (LGMT) against her employer. Margarita Solovieva was fired from her position of the Head of Electrotechnical Department of the company for disclosing commercial secrets by uploading data to the cloud storage. The claimant challenges the legality of her dismissal and earlier written reprimands which as she claims had been intentionally instigated by the defendant with use of internal conflict related to activities of Mrs Solovieva as the Chairman of the Board of LMGT.
21 November 2019
Vedomosti - In September 2019, the Russian division of Procter & Gamble (P&G) introduced a new policy fоr new fathers employed by the company. It allows for one week paid leave for a new father in case of child’s birth or adoption, and three more weeks paid leave within next 18 months, with an additional leave paid for the same way as regular annual leave. Tatyana Nikolayenko, Head of Labour Law Practice, Khrenov & Partners, commented on the current situation with paternity leaves in Russia.
27 May 2019
Best Lawyers - On May 24 The Best Lawyers has released its 11th edition of The Best Lawyers 2020. Partners and heads of practices of Khrenov & Partners are included in the list of winners. Compared to our previpus results, the amount of lawyers recognised by the ranking has increased.
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