31 May 2020

On May 29, revealed the results of its annual review of Russian litigation market that covered the most successful legal firms.

According to the review, Khrenov&Partners is listed in the Band 4 of the federal ranking among the firms with 30+ litigation cases in 2019. Our firm also joined the top 20 of companies in overall number of cases.
08 May 2020
The current quarantine measures in connection with the Covid-19 are unprecedented in terms of their scale, however we did see before both the endemics and the financial crises. Anna Burdina and Marianna Rybynok of Khrenov&Partners take a look at several cases, arising out of the past crises in Russia and in other countries, as they might be helpful to understand how the courts will be approaching the upcoming cases in the current situation.
07 May 2020
Kommersant FM – The Group-IB company revealed over 30 net sources where Moscow City lockdown digital passes are sold. The Cybersecurity experts reported that the fraudsters got active on April 13, when the citizens of Moscow started filing applications for these passes. The fabricated documents can be purchased at different web sites, on Instagram as well as via Telegram bot. Roman Belanov, a lawyer with Khrenov&Partners, comments the situation.
06 May 2020 - The laws that give the President of Russia the powers to declare the state of emergency during pandemic, and the Government – the powers to declare quarantine, have been in place for many years. Despite this fact, a new law has come into force recently that enables the Government to declare the state of high alert and emergency. The experts from, including Dmitry Lobachev, head of projects with Khrenov&Partners, commented the situation.

30 April 2020
Anna Burdina, the Project Manager with Khrenov&Partners, provides a further update on the force majeure certificates, which were briefly mentioned in our previous Newsletter on force majeure in the context of the current meausres relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.
23 April 2020
Marianna Rybynok, senior associate with Khrenov&Partners, presents another legal update on the COVID-19 related developments in Russia and other jurisdictions. Here she covers the issues concerning the borrowers and the lenders under the existing loan agreements, as well as the new loan based rescue schemes.
20 April 2020
The Legal 500 legal guide has published its 2020 rankings of law firms from Europe, Middle East and Africa countries. Our firm has maintained its leading positions in the key practice areas of the Russian legal market.
23 April 2020
Businesses around the world are currently being faced with the enormous funding and operational problems as the result of massive quarantines, which are being introduced by the national governments globally to slow down the spread of the Covid – 19 virus. Various measures are getting introduced to rescue the businesses, which are being hit the hardest now. Marianna Rybynok and Dmitry Shniger, senior associates with Khrenov&Partners, provide a short overview of the key bankruptcy law related measures, which have been introduced very recently or which are still being considered in Russia and in England.
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